# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "fwildclusterboot" in publications use:' type: software license: GPL-3.0-only title: 'fwildclusterboot: Fast Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for Linear Models' version: 0.14.3 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.fwildclusterboot abstract: Implementation of fast algorithms for wild cluster bootstrap inference developed in 'Roodman et al' (2019, 'STATA' Journal, ) and 'MacKinnon et al' (2022), which makes it feasible to quickly calculate bootstrap test statistics based on a large number of bootstrap draws even for large samples. Multiple bootstrap types as described in 'MacKinnon, Nielsen & Webb' (2022) are supported. Further, 'multiway' clustering, regression weights, bootstrap weights, fixed effects and 'subcluster' bootstrapping are supported. Further, both restricted ('WCR') and unrestricted ('WCU') bootstrap are supported. Methods are provided for a variety of fitted models, including 'lm()', 'feols()' (from package 'fixest') and 'felm()' (from package 'lfe'). Additionally implements a 'heteroskedasticity-robust' ('HC1') wild bootstrap. Last, the package provides an R binding to 'WildBootTests.jl', which provides additional speed gains and functionality, including the 'WRE' bootstrap for instrumental variable models (based on models of type 'ivreg()' from package 'ivreg') and hypotheses with q > 1. authors: - family-names: Fischer given-names: Alexander email: alexander-fischer1801@t-online.de - family-names: Roodman given-names: David preferred-citation: type: generic title: 'fwildclusterboot: Fast Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for Linear Regression Models (Version 0.14.3)' authors: - family-names: Fischer given-names: Alexander email: alexander-fischer1801@t-online.de - family-names: Roodman given-names: David year: '2021' url: https://cran.r-project.org/package=fwildclusterboot repository: https://s3alfisc.r-universe.dev repository-code: https://github.com/s3alfisc/fwildclusterboot/issues/ commit: 336bb574eba169ac0183317f01d0564791d8122f url: https://s3alfisc.github.io/fwildclusterboot/ contact: - family-names: Fischer given-names: Alexander email: alexander-fischer1801@t-online.de